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By-Laws Key Dates To Remember
During Month of January Annual Meeting and Election
During Month of September Board Appoints Nominating Committee
By October 1 Nominating Committee Meets
During Month of November Treasurer sends out Dues Notices
By November 15 Secretary notifies members of candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee
At December meeting Nominations Taken From The Floor
By December 31 Dues Payments Deadline
January Election: If no position is contested, the Nominating Committee’s slate will be automatically elected with no balloting at the Annual Meeting in January.
September Nominating Committee: 3 Members (of which only one can be a Board Member) and 2 Alternates
October Nominating Committee Meeting: Proposed slate must be to the Secretary in time for notice to be given by the Secretary to the membership of the proposed slate by November 15
In 2025:
Dues: $15 Invididual $25 Family
No Meetings In July or August